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留学生 2024-04-13 10:55:49


P1: Hey, I been thinking about studying abroad. What do you think of that idea?


P2: Oh, cool! Where are you considering going?

P1: Well, not sure yet. Maybe the UK or Australia. Any thoughts on those places?

P2: Both great options! But have you thought about what it takes to study overseas? It can be a big decision with lots to consider.

P1: Yeah, there's definitely a lot to think about. Like where to go, how much it costs, and if I could even get in. And then living away from home too.

P2: Totally! You gotta look into all sorts of things like tuition fees, visas, housing, food, transportation – everything really. Plus, don't forget about cultural differences and making new friends.

P1: That's true. I guess I need to start doing some serious research before I make any decisions. Do you know anyone who has studied abroad so I could pick their brain?

P2: Sure thing! My cousin just came back from Germany and she loved it. She said it was tough at first but totally worth it for her education and experience.

P1: Awesome! I'll give her a call. Thanks for the tip. So, is learning another language something I should aim for while I'm over there?

P2: Definitely! Language skills will open up more doors than ever when looking for jobs after graduation. Plus, they come in handy during your stay as well.

P1: Good point. Alright, looks like I got my work cut out for me. Studying abroad sounds exciting though, right?

P2: Absolutely! Just remember, every journey starts with a single step. Start planning now and soon enough, you'll be exploring new horizons!
